The Paintings of Ras Jahaziel {Oil on canvas}

The primal connection between male and female that generates the continuation of human life on planet Earth.

When male and female come together and kindle the spark of life Suns/Sons and daughters arise and begin a new generation.

In the unity of the opposite poles, male and female, fertile seeds sprout new life.

She is a gentle and kind mother, but she is capable of bringing forth a roaring Lion.

And life continued from one generation to another, all carrying the genes of the first ancestor.

and everyone thought they were dead and incapable of producing new life and new beginnings, but a word touched their souls and there was a resurrection.

How could we forget Dessalines, Toussaint L'ouverture, Hariett Tubman, Haile Selassie, Marcus Garvey and all the great torch bearers that pointed the way to Africa's redemption?

When given the truth it places a heavy responsibility on your shoulder.

Though it seemed impossible that a scattered people would again find their origins, there came a time of exodus and return to the Motherland.

At the very first supper we ate the fruits of the Earth, and saw no need to slay the animals to drink of their blood and eat of their flesh.